We constantly hear about living in a 3D matrix and how everything is just an illusion or Maya. In this article, I will discuss what this means and how the energy exchange works within this reality using a narcissistic ecosystem as an example.
The 3D Reality around us is like a play (environment) with actors (us) playing different roles, which we perceive as our true identity. (The connection to our inner divinity, our true nature, is veiled before we are born so that we can experience 3D life) These roles play out based on the ingrained subconscious beliefs which determine the behavior patterns. The environment is an ecosystem where we exchange energy based on these roles. The beliefs result from childhood conditioning, passed down through generations, and solidified at a young, vulnerable age. The system's foundation is the energy dynamics; it would fall apart if everyone doesn't play the part.
Example: Narcissistic Environment
Let us look at an example of a narcissistic ecosystem to understand the belief system, how it plays out, and the energy exchange needed to maintain it. (This is an example I am familiar with; there are other variants of the narcissistic environment) This environment has a primary narcissist, usually a parent with a co-dependent partner and children who occupy different roles, such as the golden child and the scapegoat. Both the golden child and the scapegoat have the potential to become narcissistic, but let us assume that the scapegoat becomes co-dependent instead. These are fixed pre-birth based on our karma, i.e., what we have experienced in past lives, which we still need to learn and overcome.
The narcissistic parent, due to their complex childhood, has deep-seated self-worth issues, anger, and a deep fear that others would see their darkness and judge them, which causes them to wear a fake persona or mask. The golden child is spoiled from a young age with material things and attention but lacks the emotional nurturing necessary to develop a healthy self-image. They grow into narcissists themselves and kowtow to the narcissistic parent to retain their higher status since it is the narcissistic parent who determines the relative status within the family. The co-dependent parent is usually a flying monkey who completely buys into the projections of the narcissist, brushing off any offensive behavior and serving the role of a lackey. In many such families, the scapegoat is usually an old soul (which doesn’t make them better). It just means they have a lot of lifetimes under their belt and learned many lessons that have added to their wisdom and skills. The others are usually younger souls yet to experience many of these lessons.
A scapegoat is placed in such families to serve two purposes: to resolve their karma and to trigger others. This triggering happens because the behavior and preferences of the scapegoat are drastically different, which makes others uncomfortable and brings up their shadows. The triggering also allows others to confront and heal their shadows, which would fast-track their soul growth. But regardless of whether they heal, the scapegoat is cast into this role during her childhood. She plays the role of the black sheep, who carries the shadows projected by members of her family as well as other toxic friends and extended family who orbit the narcissist. The scapegoat can also see through some of the illusions cast by the narcissist and voice them occasionally, which is highly triggering to the narcissist and can set off their rage. This truth could expose the narcissist, so a smear campaign against the scapegoat is used to paint them as inherently unstable and unreliable. Usually, the golden child and flying monkeys also participate in this to please the narcissist. Due to this, the scapegoat has the lowest status in the family, unconsciously taking on the shadows projected onto her by others and developing low self-esteem, among other traits.
Example: Narcissistic Environment; Energy Exchange
Energy flows where we focus our attention. If we direct our energy to a person, and that person returns the same quality of energy back to us, then the flow is balanced. In a narcissistic environment, this tends to be unbalanced between all members since most of them give energy to the narcissist, mainly in the form of attention and praise, which the narcissist needs to feel validated and stable. The children also serve this purpose, albeit in slightly different ways. The golden child does this to gain favors, while punishment is meted out to the scapegoat if she doesn’t. The energy flow here is highly unbalanced, with heavy givers (scapegoats), heavy takers (narcissists), and medium givers/takers (flying monkeys). Even though it looks like the narcissist seems to get away with taking a huge chunk of energy, there is a universal balance that is always taking place. They willingly cater to people and situations who would help maintain their mask, which usually includes one (or more) people who resemble their narcissistic parent that siphons their energy.
Energy Blocks and Healing
To heal from these learned behavioral patterns, our soul sets us on a path where we meet others who reflect these specific wounds, and the energy exchange is blocked if we continue the patterns. For instance, a learned behavior of the scapegoat is to overgive to receive what she needs. She initially gets the bare minimum and eventually nothing until she realizes she must raise her standards to tolerate only relationships with equal give and take. On restoring the balance, the block dissolves, and the energy flow resumes, which puts her in a healthy environment.
I will close with something to ponder: Think about an area of your life where you feel unfulfilled. It may leave you feeling slightly unhappy, or it may be highly distressing. Ask yourself what aspect of it you don’t feel good about, and check in to see if it is returning the same energy you are giving to it. These need not apply only to people but anything like projects, careers, etc. If this is an area where you have felt clueless in the past, then this would indicate where there is an imbalance. If you always (sort of) knew, then this is a validation that your intuition was always correct.
Hope this helps :).