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Flowers on Wood


Books and stories have always occupied a very sweet spot in my heart. The happiest times in my childhood were spent in the library, searching the stacks for the best books to carry back home. The anticipation of reading used to fill me with a happy, sunny glow. It was the light in what was otherwise a challenging childhood.


My family and the collective environment I grew up in had a long history of intergenerational trauma with firm ideas on what was and wasn't practical. They had known too many hardships to feel safe in a literary or creative career, so I was firmly pushed into Computer Science. It was satisfying in its own way and felt safe because of its consistency. After working for a while, I needed to challenge myself and moved to the US to pursue a Masters and Ph.D. Little did I realize that I was entering a major karmic cycle designed to clear the childhood trauma, which, at the time, I didn't fully understand. ​​ This led to a spiritual awakening, which triggered more profound healing, clearing away my karma and my family's (this is still in process). During this time, I also woke to the fact that I am an Indigo Starseed who had incarnated at this time of ascension on a double mission.


To make changes in our lives, we must look deeply within to discover the key to it. We cannot cure a disease by simply treating the symptoms. It would need to be traced back to the root and released. This is, however, easier said than done. Many of our personality traits are a by-product of the beliefs we carry as part of our conditioning. Still, through deeper reflection and persistent shifts, we can soften them enough to create changes. This blog is an initial step to share some of my learnings, experiences, and techniques that have helped me along the way. 


I hope that this finds those who need it. Thanks for reading :).  

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